“I’ll Make Them Cum With My Fingering!” a New Life Where I Can Fuck With a LV999 Massage • Chapter 2 • Page ik-page-4222094
Chapter 2
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About This Chapter
It's time for the sex scene, and we're introduced to a new character: the "screamer" . He's the kind of guy who wants to make sure that his girlfriend's nipples are "cummy with fag gf ring" , but he doesn't want to go through with it. He wants to know what a "massage" is, and he's a little confused about what a massage is. He asks the "ba" if it's some kind of "treat" for her, and the ba says that she's "so slender" that he'll have to wait until he can figure out what's going on before he can start. The creak tells him to "pouch" and then "squish" and "lift" and so on, and then he says that he wants to lie on his back and "make himself comfort able" and that he needs to "wash away" the "waste products" from her boobs. The "ba," of course, is the one who's supposed to do the dirty work. He starts to rub the "spot" where the "Lymph" collects, but the creak says that the guy won't "touch my precious spot" because "this is the spot" where "the lymph" collects , and she wants him to rub it too .
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“I’ll Make Them Cum With My Fingering!” a New Life Where I Can Fuck With a LV999 Massage • Chapter 2 • Page ik-page-4222094
Chapter 2
This is a locked chapterChapter 2
About This Chapter
It's time for the sex scene, and we're introduced to a new character: the "screamer" . He's the kind of guy who wants to make sure that his girlfriend's nipples are "cummy with fag gf ring" , but he doesn't want to go through with it. He wants to know what a "massage" is, and he's a little confused about what a massage is. He asks the "ba" if it's some kind of "treat" for her, and the ba says that she's "so slender" that he'll have to wait until he can figure out what's going on before he can start. The creak tells him to "pouch" and then "squish" and "lift" and so on, and then he says that he wants to lie on his back and "make himself comfort able" and that he needs to "wash away" the "waste products" from her boobs. The "ba," of course, is the one who's supposed to do the dirty work. He starts to rub the "spot" where the "Lymph" collects, but the creak says that the guy won't "touch my precious spot" because "this is the spot" where "the lymph" collects , and she wants him to rub it too .
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