“I’ll Make Them Cum With My Fingering!” a New Life Where I Can Fuck With a LV999 Massage • Chapter 17 • Page ik-page-4222102
Chapter 17
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About This Chapter
The song begins with a description of a "squishy" massage . It's a fancy term for a kind of physical therapy that involves moving the body in a way that makes it easier to move. The gist of the song is that the body is moving so fast that it's hard to keep up with it, and that's why the sex moves so quickly. The sex moves quickly, and the guy who's trying to move the body doesn't seem to be paying much attention to it. He's only touching the spot where the sex is happening. The guy's like, "Oh, wait, what am I doing here?" . Then the guy says, "Hey, I'm feeling twitchy" , and he's all, "Dude, I know what you're feeling, and I'll do my best to make it go away" . The pants are piling up on top of each other, which makes the sex move even faster. The dude says that he knows what's going on, and wants to make sure that the pants don't get wet. He wants the pants to be wet so that he can "suck her panties" and smell her "juice" and "womanhood" and stuff like that. He also wants to "grin grind grind grind" on the pants so that the guy can "have one more" before he dies. He asks the pants if they're wearing thongs, and they say no, and then he asks if the pants were "touched in a while" and the pants say, "What a waste!" . He then asks if she had a "probation" with
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“I’ll Make Them Cum With My Fingering!” a New Life Where I Can Fuck With a LV999 Massage • Chapter 17 • Page ik-page-4222102
Chapter 17
This is a locked chapterChapter 17
About This Chapter
The song begins with a description of a "squishy" massage . It's a fancy term for a kind of physical therapy that involves moving the body in a way that makes it easier to move. The gist of the song is that the body is moving so fast that it's hard to keep up with it, and that's why the sex moves so quickly. The sex moves quickly, and the guy who's trying to move the body doesn't seem to be paying much attention to it. He's only touching the spot where the sex is happening. The guy's like, "Oh, wait, what am I doing here?" . Then the guy says, "Hey, I'm feeling twitchy" , and he's all, "Dude, I know what you're feeling, and I'll do my best to make it go away" . The pants are piling up on top of each other, which makes the sex move even faster. The dude says that he knows what's going on, and wants to make sure that the pants don't get wet. He wants the pants to be wet so that he can "suck her panties" and smell her "juice" and "womanhood" and stuff like that. He also wants to "grin grind grind grind" on the pants so that the guy can "have one more" before he dies. He asks the pants if they're wearing thongs, and they say no, and then he asks if the pants were "touched in a while" and the pants say, "What a waste!" . He then asks if she had a "probation" with
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