“I’ll Make Them Cum With My Fingering!” a New Life Where I Can Fuck With a LV999 Massage • Chapter 15 • Page ik-page-4222118
Chapter 15
This is a locked chapterChapter 15
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we're introduced to a new character named "Elmida" . She's the kind of girl who's super-excited about the fact that she's going to be able to fuck with her bare hands . Elmida's a little worried about how big her boobs are going to grow , but she doesn't have to worry about it. She just wants to make sure they're as big as she thinks they are. She wants them to grow so big that they make her feel like a "princess" , even though her boob is tiny. She tells us that "squishing" her pussy is like "stimulating" her female hormones , and that's how she'll make sure that Elmire's boobs grow big enough to make her "feel like a princess." Elmire, of course, isn't having any of this. She says that she wants to slap Elmire a bunch more times, but Elmire won't let her do it. Elmire sighs and wonders if she should have someone to help her out, since she can't stand to
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“I’ll Make Them Cum With My Fingering!” a New Life Where I Can Fuck With a LV999 Massage • Chapter 15 • Page ik-page-4222118
Chapter 15
This is a locked chapterChapter 15
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we're introduced to a new character named "Elmida" . She's the kind of girl who's super-excited about the fact that she's going to be able to fuck with her bare hands . Elmida's a little worried about how big her boobs are going to grow , but she doesn't have to worry about it. She just wants to make sure they're as big as she thinks they are. She wants them to grow so big that they make her feel like a "princess" , even though her boob is tiny. She tells us that "squishing" her pussy is like "stimulating" her female hormones , and that's how she'll make sure that Elmire's boobs grow big enough to make her "feel like a princess." Elmire, of course, isn't having any of this. She says that she wants to slap Elmire a bunch more times, but Elmire won't let her do it. Elmire sighs and wonders if she should have someone to help her out, since she can't stand to
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