“I’ll Make Them Cum With My Fingering!” a New Life Where I Can Fuck With a LV999 Massage • Chapter 18 • Page ik-page-4222116
Chapter 18
This is a locked chapterChapter 18
About This Chapter
The sex scene opens with Panto thanking his "panto" for his "massage" of his "dick" . Panto slaps his "pants" and "kisses" the "girl" who is "squeezing" around Panto's "dick." Panto is "tightening up like crazy" , but the girl "tastes like sweat" and moves like a "weak ling." He tells Panto to rub this "best rub pants" on his "momentum" and to "push go ahead ." He says he'll be "on my way" to "glow heal" Panto, too. He asks Panto if the girl can use magic, and if she needs his "treatment," and Panto says that if she can "use magic," she does not need his treatment. He says that the girl was "so friendly" that he met a "tanned elf," and that she must have been "a got a ride." He then says that he's going to be more careful with the girl because she is "my friend," and he asks her to be faster walking on their own. She says that she'll have to wait, but Panto tells her to "live and learn
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“I’ll Make Them Cum With My Fingering!” a New Life Where I Can Fuck With a LV999 Massage • Chapter 18 • Page ik-page-4222116
Chapter 18
This is a locked chapterChapter 18
About This Chapter
The sex scene opens with Panto thanking his "panto" for his "massage" of his "dick" . Panto slaps his "pants" and "kisses" the "girl" who is "squeezing" around Panto's "dick." Panto is "tightening up like crazy" , but the girl "tastes like sweat" and moves like a "weak ling." He tells Panto to rub this "best rub pants" on his "momentum" and to "push go ahead ." He says he'll be "on my way" to "glow heal" Panto, too. He asks Panto if the girl can use magic, and if she needs his "treatment," and Panto says that if she can "use magic," she does not need his treatment. He says that the girl was "so friendly" that he met a "tanned elf," and that she must have been "a got a ride." He then says that he's going to be more careful with the girl because she is "my friend," and he asks her to be faster walking on their own. She says that she'll have to wait, but Panto tells her to "live and learn
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