“I’ll Make Them Cum With My Fingering!” a New Life Where I Can Fuck With a LV999 Massage • Chapter 26 • Page ik-page-4222124
Chapter 26
This is a locked chapterChapter 26
About This Chapter
In this short scene, the emo-turned-sex-rape-rapist explains that he's been trying to "make them cum" with a "fa gf ring" , but he can't figure out how to "fuck" with the ring. He's got a problem: "something's rubbing" him on the spot where the ring is, which makes him look like a "blob bulge" . The emo says he'll have to "squish" the ring and "praise" him more for it , which is a good thing since the ring's supposed to be a symbol of love and acceptance . He also says that this is his first time seeing the ring under the sun, and he blames himself for "twitching" him. He says that if he hadn't said so, he wouldn't have "scared" him, but instead, he'd have said "you should have said that, you know, nice what, wait, there you go, will wait, wet too, slide, ah, thud, it'sso bright and yet, you can see, too , . . you're pinging wet already , your own slut , / * huff , you ?" . "You're my own pussy," he says. "I can see every
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“I’ll Make Them Cum With My Fingering!” a New Life Where I Can Fuck With a LV999 Massage • Chapter 26 • Page ik-page-4222124
Chapter 26
This is a locked chapterChapter 26
About This Chapter
In this short scene, the emo-turned-sex-rape-rapist explains that he's been trying to "make them cum" with a "fa gf ring" , but he can't figure out how to "fuck" with the ring. He's got a problem: "something's rubbing" him on the spot where the ring is, which makes him look like a "blob bulge" . The emo says he'll have to "squish" the ring and "praise" him more for it , which is a good thing since the ring's supposed to be a symbol of love and acceptance . He also says that this is his first time seeing the ring under the sun, and he blames himself for "twitching" him. He says that if he hadn't said so, he wouldn't have "scared" him, but instead, he'd have said "you should have said that, you know, nice what, wait, there you go, will wait, wet too, slide, ah, thud, it'sso bright and yet, you can see, too , . . you're pinging wet already , your own slut , / * huff , you ?" . "You're my own pussy," he says. "I can see every
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