“I’ll Make Them Cum With My Fingering!” a New Life Where I Can Fuck With a LV999 Massage • Chapter 4 • Page ik-page-4222089
Chapter 4
This is a locked chapterChapter 4
About This Chapter
In the forest, the leader of the elves tries to find a way to help his wife, who is suffering from a mysterious disease. He tries to use all of his powers of healing, but his efforts are unsuccessful. The leader asks for a massage from the local healer, who tells him that his healing powers are at a "rank level" . The healer tells the leader that he is not a doctor, so he might not have the means to cure his wife's condition. The two exchange pleasantries, and the leader tells the healer that he has brought the traveler with him. He asks the healer if he knows how to use "magic." The healer replies that he does not, but he is better at cooking than at using magic. When the healer asks if he can use magic to cure the wife, the healer responds that he can, but that he cannot do high-level magic because he is "better at cooking." He then tells the woman that he will use his "massage power" to cure her of the disease. The woman thanks the healer for his help, but the healer tells her that she will feel better soon. He tells her to lie down and wait for the healer to do his work. He says that the woman's skin is white, and her shoulders are stiff, but she will soon feel better. She tells him to push her, and he says that he needs to do more work on her shoulders, but can't because he has to wait for her to get better
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“I’ll Make Them Cum With My Fingering!” a New Life Where I Can Fuck With a LV999 Massage • Chapter 4 • Page ik-page-4222089
Chapter 4
This is a locked chapterChapter 4
About This Chapter
In the forest, the leader of the elves tries to find a way to help his wife, who is suffering from a mysterious disease. He tries to use all of his powers of healing, but his efforts are unsuccessful. The leader asks for a massage from the local healer, who tells him that his healing powers are at a "rank level" . The healer tells the leader that he is not a doctor, so he might not have the means to cure his wife's condition. The two exchange pleasantries, and the leader tells the healer that he has brought the traveler with him. He asks the healer if he knows how to use "magic." The healer replies that he does not, but he is better at cooking than at using magic. When the healer asks if he can use magic to cure the wife, the healer responds that he can, but that he cannot do high-level magic because he is "better at cooking." He then tells the woman that he will use his "massage power" to cure her of the disease. The woman thanks the healer for his help, but the healer tells her that she will feel better soon. He tells her to lie down and wait for the healer to do his work. He says that the woman's skin is white, and her shoulders are stiff, but she will soon feel better. She tells him to push her, and he says that he needs to do more work on her shoulders, but can't because he has to wait for her to get better
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