This is the code to decode the will. It's the same code that Shmuel deciphered in the previous chapter. The will says that after he dies, the eagle army will take the command of his son. After he's dead, the army will have to take care of him. This means that after his death, his son will be taken care of by Caesar's army. Uh-oh. The eagle army takes the command, and Caesar will be entrusted with his son's care. This is a big deal. Caesar will inherit his son, who will be called "little cub" after his father's death. This will also says that Caesar will have the right to seize his son if he should ever need to do so. This also means that Caesar can seize the child if he wants to, and that the child will be given to Caesar if he ever needs to. Caesar and his son are going to have a big fight after Caesar dies. Caesar is going to try to take the child away from his mother, who's going to be the one to take him away from her father. Caesar says that his mother will bless the child from the sky. He's also going to lead his troops to find the child.
This is the code to decode the will. It's the same code that Shmuel deciphered in the previous chapter. The will says that after he dies, the eagle army will take the command of his son. After he's dead, the army will have to take care of him. This means that after his death, his son will be taken care of by Caesar's army. Uh-oh. The eagle army takes the command, and Caesar will be entrusted with his son's care. This is a big deal. Caesar will inherit his son, who will be called "little cub" after his father's death. This will also says that Caesar will have the right to seize his son if he should ever need to do so. This also means that Caesar can seize the child if he wants to, and that the child will be given to Caesar if he ever needs to. Caesar and his son are going to have a big fight after Caesar dies. Caesar is going to try to take the child away from his mother, who's going to be the one to take him away from her father. Caesar says that his mother will bless the child from the sky. He's also going to lead his troops to find the child.