The fourth young lady arrives at the palace and tells the second prince that she has come to tell him about the terms of their agreement. The second prince says that he has asked for the reward for the fourth lady, and he also wants her to become his close bodyguard. The fourth lady says that she wants to know if the two of them are qualified to talk about terms with each other. She shows him a letter from the leader of the assassins' group, which says that the king sent the man pretending to be a traitor in order to confess to the emperor in front of him. Second prince says he would better reconsider his partnership with the lady. The lady tells him that he is brave, clever and fearless. He says that these days when they make plans together he can see that they are doing something extraordinary together. He thanks the lady and her parents for giving him a chance. He promises to help her in any way he can, including convincing his parents.
The fourth young lady arrives at the palace and tells the second prince that she has come to tell him about the terms of their agreement. The second prince says that he has asked for the reward for the fourth lady, and he also wants her to become his close bodyguard. The fourth lady says that she wants to know if the two of them are qualified to talk about terms with each other. She shows him a letter from the leader of the assassins' group, which says that the king sent the man pretending to be a traitor in order to confess to the emperor in front of him. Second prince says he would better reconsider his partnership with the lady. The lady tells him that he is brave, clever and fearless. He says that these days when they make plans together he can see that they are doing something extraordinary together. He thanks the lady and her parents for giving him a chance. He promises to help her in any way he can, including convincing his parents.