The Governess is disgusted by her daughter's bullying. She wants to help her son, but she can't bring herself to return the watch to the Governess. She tells the other children to stop being so stubborn and to let go of the watch. She says that she missed her daughter so much that she's glad she got the new horse, Angus, instead of the old one, Little Em'ly. She also says that the horse isn't tamed yet, but when she starts riding it, she'll be able to do so.
The Governess is disgusted by her daughter's bullying. She wants to help her son, but she can't bring herself to return the watch to the Governess. She tells the other children to stop being so stubborn and to let go of the watch. She says that she missed her daughter so much that she's glad she got the new horse, Angus, instead of the old one, Little Em'ly. She also says that the horse isn't tamed yet, but when she starts riding it, she'll be able to do so.