The next morning, the two return to the village, where they are greeted by Miss Cui, who is still very friendly. Miss Cui asks where her brother is, and Mr. Zhang tells her that he has gone to work as a laborer on a nearby farm, and that he does not intend to return home any time soon. Miss Cai tells him that she once witnessed a man forcing her to marry him, and when she refused, she offered herself as a way of returning the favor
The next morning, the two return to the village, where they are greeted by Miss Cui, who is still very friendly. Miss Cui asks where her brother is, and Mr. Zhang tells her that he has gone to work as a laborer on a nearby farm, and that he does not intend to return home any time soon. Miss Cai tells him that she once witnessed a man forcing her to marry him, and when she refused, she offered herself as a way of returning the favor