A Sheep in Wolf's Clothing • Chapter 80 • Page ik-page-3706806
A Sheep in Wolf's Clothing • Chapter 80 • Page ik-page-3673604
A Sheep in Wolf's Clothing • Chapter 80 • Page ik-page-3673605
A Sheep in Wolf's Clothing • Chapter 80 • Page ik-page-3673606
A Sheep in Wolf's Clothing • Chapter 80 • Page ik-page-3673607
A Sheep in Wolf's Clothing • Chapter 80 • Page ik-page-3673608
Chapter 80
This is a locked chapterChapter 80
About This Chapter
In this chapter, the wolf explains how he is able to use his body as a vessel for moving around. He explains that the human clan imprisoned him because they wanted to fight over the keys and national treasures, but he knows that this is his destiny and their mission. He plans to stay by the side of the humans and observe their actions, then he will find a way to take over the body of the masked man and pretend to him, and finally he will go to the man and seek revenge. The wolf explains that he is an "unloved child" and that his father is "worse than you" . The human clan is looking for him to protect him and imprison him. He is angry at the thought of taking over his father's body, but at the same time, he is afraid that he will lose his freedom once he returns to the human camp. He asks if it is okay to give him up like this, but the wolf knows that he has to sacrifice his feelings to make himself disappear. He also knows that once he is gone, he will not be able to find the key or the national treasures anymore, and those who want to find him will not bother him anymore. He chooses to leave because he doesn't have a way of saying goodbye to his family. He apologizes to his mother for treating her like a "substitute for someone else" and for making her take care of him.
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A Sheep in Wolf's Clothing • Chapter 80 • Page ik-page-3706806
A Sheep in Wolf's Clothing • Chapter 80 • Page ik-page-3673604
A Sheep in Wolf's Clothing • Chapter 80 • Page ik-page-3673605
A Sheep in Wolf's Clothing • Chapter 80 • Page ik-page-3673606
A Sheep in Wolf's Clothing • Chapter 80 • Page ik-page-3673607
A Sheep in Wolf's Clothing • Chapter 80 • Page ik-page-3673608
Chapter 80
This is a locked chapterChapter 80
About This Chapter
In this chapter, the wolf explains how he is able to use his body as a vessel for moving around. He explains that the human clan imprisoned him because they wanted to fight over the keys and national treasures, but he knows that this is his destiny and their mission. He plans to stay by the side of the humans and observe their actions, then he will find a way to take over the body of the masked man and pretend to him, and finally he will go to the man and seek revenge. The wolf explains that he is an "unloved child" and that his father is "worse than you" . The human clan is looking for him to protect him and imprison him. He is angry at the thought of taking over his father's body, but at the same time, he is afraid that he will lose his freedom once he returns to the human camp. He asks if it is okay to give him up like this, but the wolf knows that he has to sacrifice his feelings to make himself disappear. He also knows that once he is gone, he will not be able to find the key or the national treasures anymore, and those who want to find him will not bother him anymore. He chooses to leave because he doesn't have a way of saying goodbye to his family. He apologizes to his mother for treating her like a "substitute for someone else" and for making her take care of him.
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