In this short scene, a young director named Hong Xiaogang introduces himself as the director of a new drama based on the novel "Sheep-n-the-wolf's clothing." He explains that he has just received the script for the play and that the casting for the actors has been running smoothly. He tells the audience that the protagonist of the novel, the author, is not present because she is late for the first part of the play because she has a close relationship with Mr. Lee's eldest son. The young director tells us that the actor who is to play the lead role, baoxiang, is a skilled actor, and the other actor, baijiu, is handsome. The director asks the author for his or her opinion of the two actors who are to portray the lead roles. The author's opinion is important because the director has to choose the right actor for the role.
In this short scene, a young director named Hong Xiaogang introduces himself as the director of a new drama based on the novel "Sheep-n-the-wolf's clothing." He explains that he has just received the script for the play and that the casting for the actors has been running smoothly. He tells the audience that the protagonist of the novel, the author, is not present because she is late for the first part of the play because she has a close relationship with Mr. Lee's eldest son. The young director tells us that the actor who is to play the lead role, baoxiang, is a skilled actor, and the other actor, baijiu, is handsome. The director asks the author for his or her opinion of the two actors who are to portray the lead roles. The author's opinion is important because the director has to choose the right actor for the role.