The prince, the princess, the consort, and the seven-year-old princess all come to congratulate Caius and Ming on their marriage. Caius's sister, Ming, comes to congratulate him and his brother on their wedding. She tells Caius that she sewed the wedding dress for him and that she has many other gifts for him. She also tells him that she knows that he sent someone to kill Ming. She says that if he tries to do anything else, she'll tell his mother. She warns him that he can have his wife kick Ming out of the palace if he finds out that Ming is trying to kill him again. She adds that she can seduce Ming and then have Ming's wife kick out Ming. He says that he's fine with that, but if Ming finds out again, he'll kick him out. The prince says that Ming sent him here to help him pass on military intel.
The prince, the princess, the consort, and the seven-year-old princess all come to congratulate Caius and Ming on their marriage. Caius's sister, Ming, comes to congratulate him and his brother on their wedding. She tells Caius that she sewed the wedding dress for him and that she has many other gifts for him. She also tells him that she knows that he sent someone to kill Ming. She says that if he tries to do anything else, she'll tell his mother. She warns him that he can have his wife kick Ming out of the palace if he finds out that Ming is trying to kill him again. She adds that she can seduce Ming and then have Ming's wife kick out Ming. He says that he's fine with that, but if Ming finds out again, he'll kick him out. The prince says that Ming sent him here to help him pass on military intel.