In this chapter, we are introduced to a new character, who is introduced as "Kasu ga," or "cool kasu ga." We learn that he was once a student at the same school as the other students in the chapter, and that he is now a member of the school's social studies department. He is also known as "Suga" because of his "cool" smile. He tells us that he has just returned from the morning's activities, where he was accused of stealing lunch money from his classmates. He apologizes to Suga for his behavior, and says that he will never wear the same uniform again. Suga tells him that the teacher has asked him to carry the lunch money to the school social studies room, and Suga asks him to do so. When Sulu asks what he usually does, Sulu replies that he studies, tutors, and plays the piano. Sulu says that sometimes he wishes he could play more
In this chapter, we are introduced to a new character, who is introduced as "Kasu ga," or "cool kasu ga." We learn that he was once a student at the same school as the other students in the chapter, and that he is now a member of the school's social studies department. He is also known as "Suga" because of his "cool" smile. He tells us that he has just returned from the morning's activities, where he was accused of stealing lunch money from his classmates. He apologizes to Suga for his behavior, and says that he will never wear the same uniform again. Suga tells him that the teacher has asked him to carry the lunch money to the school social studies room, and Suga asks him to do so. When Sulu asks what he usually does, Sulu replies that he studies, tutors, and plays the piano. Sulu says that sometimes he wishes he could play more