The two male students in front of Gu yue are twins, and they give off an aura of gloomyness. The two men behind her are martial soul masters, and the students behind them are twins. The students behind her, the twins, are martial souls. They are poisonous souls, and if they can beat them, they should be poisonous to the martial souls of the other students. The martial soul master, yangnianxia, is shocked to see that his opponent is wrapped around her, and his body is swollen to three times its normal size. He is unable to hold on to her, however, because she is consuming a lot of his soul power. He tells her that he will hide first, and when he sees that she has already found him, he realizes that he cannot escape her perception. He believes that his partner can handle the situation alone, and that he can kill both of them as soon as he does so. When the two men look back, they see that their partner is hiding behind them, and he is using blue grass to communicate information.