It's been a long time since the battle, and the battle is finally over. The three-eyed ape is stronger than any of the other demons, and its mental power is even greater than that of the purple demon eyes. The battle is over, and it's time for the battle to begin again. This time, the battle's going to be about the soul energy of the ape, not the physical strength of the demon. The teacher is calling for him, but he can't see him clearly. He's afraid that he's about to die, and that his life is in danger if he doesn't break the seal. He tells the teacher that he won't be able to help him in the future, because he'll need to mentally prepare.
It's been a long time since the battle, and the battle is finally over. The three-eyed ape is stronger than any of the other demons, and its mental power is even greater than that of the purple demon eyes. The battle is over, and it's time for the battle to begin again. This time, the battle's going to be about the soul energy of the ape, not the physical strength of the demon. The teacher is calling for him, but he can't see him clearly. He's afraid that he's about to die, and that his life is in danger if he doesn't break the seal. He tells the teacher that he won't be able to help him in the future, because he'll need to mentally prepare.