Soul Land III: Legend of the Dragon King • Chapter 260 • Page ik-page-4853009
Chapter 260
This is a locked chapterChapter 260
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we learn that the students at Shrek Academy are students from the academy's outer court, and that they are here to challenge Shrek's inner court students. The headmaster of the academy, named Tang wulin, introduces the students to each other. He explains that the academy is famous for educating "flying type soul masters," "soul engineers," and "mecha masters" . He tells the students that they will have to compete with the strongest opponents in the cities they have visited in order to reach the final test. He says that he was only a student at the academy 15 years ago, but that he is now the headmaster. He asks the students if they would like to use himchas in the final competition, and they say yes. He then tells them that the sky-order star ocean observatory is the best place in the world to view the stars, because it can shrink the distance between the students and the sky. He adds that he hopes the students will stay and compete with one another.
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Soul Land III: Legend of the Dragon King • Chapter 260 • Page ik-page-4853009
Chapter 260
This is a locked chapterChapter 260
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we learn that the students at Shrek Academy are students from the academy's outer court, and that they are here to challenge Shrek's inner court students. The headmaster of the academy, named Tang wulin, introduces the students to each other. He explains that the academy is famous for educating "flying type soul masters," "soul engineers," and "mecha masters" . He tells the students that they will have to compete with the strongest opponents in the cities they have visited in order to reach the final test. He says that he was only a student at the academy 15 years ago, but that he is now the headmaster. He asks the students if they would like to use himchas in the final competition, and they say yes. He then tells them that the sky-order star ocean observatory is the best place in the world to view the stars, because it can shrink the distance between the students and the sky. He adds that he hopes the students will stay and compete with one another.
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