You Are My Lovely Dragon King • Chapter 43 • Page ik-page-2236853
You Are My Lovely Dragon King • Chapter 43 • Page ik-page-2236858
You Are My Lovely Dragon King • Chapter 43 • Page ik-page-2236844
Chapter 43
This is a locked chapterChapter 43
About This Chapter
The next day, dingdang tells zhong that he wants to know who zhong is looking for as the next queen. zhong tells him that he's always been a burden, but they just want him to be happy, so he'll go to sleep and forget about it. zingmin asks zhong why he doesn't get dumped recently, and zhong says that it's because he sets his standards too high, and that's why he likes jiaojia. He also says that if jiajiaao likes xiaoyan, she'll be disappointed because she's not as confident as he is, and she won't be able to get over her feelings for him.
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You Are My Lovely Dragon King • Chapter 43 • Page ik-page-2236853
You Are My Lovely Dragon King • Chapter 43 • Page ik-page-2236858
You Are My Lovely Dragon King • Chapter 43 • Page ik-page-2236844
Chapter 43
This is a locked chapterChapter 43
About This Chapter
The next day, dingdang tells zhong that he wants to know who zhong is looking for as the next queen. zhong tells him that he's always been a burden, but they just want him to be happy, so he'll go to sleep and forget about it. zingmin asks zhong why he doesn't get dumped recently, and zhong says that it's because he sets his standards too high, and that's why he likes jiaojia. He also says that if jiajiaao likes xiaoyan, she'll be disappointed because she's not as confident as he is, and she won't be able to get over her feelings for him.
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