In this chapter, Cai tells the others that he can't allow jiao to continue his relationship with Xiaoyan. If he's really a dragon, he'll have to leave her. He's already bandaged her wound, so he can do whatever he wants with her. Cai asks if she's okay, and she says that she is. She asks why she is so angry, and he says that he didn't want to look after her well. She says that when she drank too much last time, he hugged her, and then she said nothing. Cai says that they can get snacks at the grocery store, and they can buy two packets of plum meat for him. He says that hypothetically, they will still be friends if they find out that they're enemies, and if they hide their identities from each other, then they won't be friends. He doesn't understand why she would want to be friends with someone who's so important to her.