The Governess thanks the Governess for being by her side the whole time. She tells him to stop pretending. She wants him to know that if he receives the photo, he won't be able to have it anymore. She also tells him not to waste his time getting jealous. He says that he's the best person in the universe and that he encourages her just like he encouraged him. She says that she'll bring the scarf and the suit to see him next year. She asks him if he'll change clothes immediately. He doesn't seem to know what she's talking about. He asks her if she knows that her family has told her that she is going back to school. She's not sure. He tells her that he wants to make her get used to having two people around. He wants her to show off her new clothes so that she will be used to being around two people. He also asks her to throw the bag away in case he needs to use it again.
The Governess thanks the Governess for being by her side the whole time. She tells him to stop pretending. She wants him to know that if he receives the photo, he won't be able to have it anymore. She also tells him not to waste his time getting jealous. He says that he's the best person in the universe and that he encourages her just like he encouraged him. She says that she'll bring the scarf and the suit to see him next year. She asks him if he'll change clothes immediately. He doesn't seem to know what she's talking about. He asks her if she knows that her family has told her that she is going back to school. She's not sure. He tells her that he wants to make her get used to having two people around. He wants her to show off her new clothes so that she will be used to being around two people. He also asks her to throw the bag away in case he needs to use it again.