In this chapter, we meet a young man named clink, who has been living in the Netherworld for some time. He asks clink to help him find a way out of the world. He also wants clink's help in finding his father, whom he believes is in the Netherworld too. The young man, however, is not interested in learning more about his father's disappearance. He wants to know what happened to his best friend, the octopus cook, whom clink had met the day before. When clink asks him about the door that leads to the underworld, the young man says that it is rumored that the King of Hell had disappeared, even if it was just a rumor.
In this chapter, we meet a young man named clink, who has been living in the Netherworld for some time. He asks clink to help him find a way out of the world. He also wants clink's help in finding his father, whom he believes is in the Netherworld too. The young man, however, is not interested in learning more about his father's disappearance. He wants to know what happened to his best friend, the octopus cook, whom clink had met the day before. When clink asks him about the door that leads to the underworld, the young man says that it is rumored that the King of Hell had disappeared, even if it was just a rumor.