Now that she's made up her mind, the number she called is unavailable. She'd hoped that her boyfriend would be cheerful, warm, and humorous, and would be willing to do some stupid thing to make her happy. Instead, she ended up with a boyfriend like Luo. He's not like the "boyfriend mint coup," she says, but he can say "the sweetest words" no matter what he becomes. He has "superpowers" , she tells us, and he's been doing something "by stealth lately" . She tells Luo to "find a boyfriend" like him, so she can "buzz" her friend, who's calling back. Luo says he'll meet her at the church, and she'll tell her what to do.
Now that she's made up her mind, the number she called is unavailable. She'd hoped that her boyfriend would be cheerful, warm, and humorous, and would be willing to do some stupid thing to make her happy. Instead, she ended up with a boyfriend like Luo. He's not like the "boyfriend mint coup," she says, but he can say "the sweetest words" no matter what he becomes. He has "superpowers" , she tells us, and he's been doing something "by stealth lately" . She tells Luo to "find a boyfriend" like him, so she can "buzz" her friend, who's calling back. Luo says he'll meet her at the church, and she'll tell her what to do.