The chapter opens with a quote from a famous author: "Hope is the only thing that keeps you going in the face of despair." In other words, there is always hope in your life even when you're at the bottom of the barrel. In this chapter, we're talking about a young man named Nemo who's been kidnapped by a woman who has contracted the killer virus. Nemo's girlfriend has died of the disease, and he's trying to figure out how to get back to his family. He's also worried about what to do now that his aunt has died, and his parents, brother, and grandparents have all gone to live with their families in Singapore. Nemo is worried that he won't be able to make it to his mother's house in time to see her. He also worries that he'll be unable to find food on the way back to Krook's Island. The two men agree that there must be "something good left" in the world, and that the good guys should be allowed to die while the bad ones live long lives.