Grand Legend Ramayana

Grand Legend Ramayana • Chapter 69: Arena (Part 2) • Page ik-page-3480974
Chapter 69: Arena (Part 2)
This is a locked chapterChapter 69: Arena (Part 2)
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In the meantime, the mayor of Pancavadhi has received a message from the commander of the 15th district, who wants to meet him. The mayor tells the prince that he has seen the yakshas warriors in action for himself in his village, and that they are also willing to help them. The prince asks the mayor if he is really up to the task of fighting the Yakshas, and the mayor says that he should have said so from the beginning
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Grand Legend Ramayana

Grand Legend Ramayana • Chapter 69: Arena (Part 2) • Page ik-page-3480974
Chapter 69: Arena (Part 2)
This is a locked chapterChapter 69: Arena (Part 2)
About This Chapter
In the meantime, the mayor of Pancavadhi has received a message from the commander of the 15th district, who wants to meet him. The mayor tells the prince that he has seen the yakshas warriors in action for himself in his village, and that they are also willing to help them. The prince asks the mayor if he is really up to the task of fighting the Yakshas, and the mayor says that he should have said so from the beginning
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