Grand Legend Ramayana

Grand Legend Ramayana • Chapter 58: The New King (Part 3) • Page ik-page-3480876
Chapter 58: The New King (Part 3)
This is a locked chapterChapter 58: The New King (Part 3)
About This Chapter
The king's orders, the factory, and the queen's scheme: all this time, they were hunting the creation of Ayodya, and now everything has happened so fast. The king has ordered that the underground factory be shut down, and he has found no way to control the Yaksha. He has shut it down at least, he says, "that horned man" , so they can end this. He tells the boy that he is going to give the throne to him, and that if they both lose their fathers, he will be willing to give it back to them. He says that tomorrow he will announce that the king will cancel their exile and give them the throne back. He is sure that his mother pressured the king to give him the throne, but he says that the order is sacred and must not be cancelled just like that. He wants to keep the throne until the political situation is stable.
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Grand Legend Ramayana

Grand Legend Ramayana • Chapter 58: The New King (Part 3) • Page ik-page-3480876
Chapter 58: The New King (Part 3)
This is a locked chapterChapter 58: The New King (Part 3)
About This Chapter
The king's orders, the factory, and the queen's scheme: all this time, they were hunting the creation of Ayodya, and now everything has happened so fast. The king has ordered that the underground factory be shut down, and he has found no way to control the Yaksha. He has shut it down at least, he says, "that horned man" , so they can end this. He tells the boy that he is going to give the throne to him, and that if they both lose their fathers, he will be willing to give it back to them. He says that tomorrow he will announce that the king will cancel their exile and give them the throne back. He is sure that his mother pressured the king to give him the throne, but he says that the order is sacred and must not be cancelled just like that. He wants to keep the throne until the political situation is stable.
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