Grand Legend Ramayana

Grand Legend Ramayana • Chapter 66: Pancavadhi (Part 2) • Page ik-page-3480954
Chapter 66: Pancavadhi (Part 2)
This is a locked chapterChapter 66: Pancavadhi (Part 2)
About This Chapter
The chapter opens with a description of the masked troublemakers in Pancavadhi. The narrator explains that the peace in the area has been disturbed by wild beast attacks. The council decides that it is just a wild beast attack. The task force of the natha, which is supposed to protect the area, has been disbanded. The kaladhar, a type of demon from hell, has also appeared. The capital of ayodia has also sent a task force to investigate the attack, but the task force never returns. The yaksha hunters of the capital have also had troubles dealing with the yakshas. The natha has come up with a solution to the problem: they offer protection to the villages. The villagers of the north have seen the work of the khaladar, and have agreed to pay for it. The protection fees are also increasing.
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Grand Legend Ramayana

Grand Legend Ramayana • Chapter 66: Pancavadhi (Part 2) • Page ik-page-3480954
Chapter 66: Pancavadhi (Part 2)
This is a locked chapterChapter 66: Pancavadhi (Part 2)
About This Chapter
The chapter opens with a description of the masked troublemakers in Pancavadhi. The narrator explains that the peace in the area has been disturbed by wild beast attacks. The council decides that it is just a wild beast attack. The task force of the natha, which is supposed to protect the area, has been disbanded. The kaladhar, a type of demon from hell, has also appeared. The capital of ayodia has also sent a task force to investigate the attack, but the task force never returns. The yaksha hunters of the capital have also had troubles dealing with the yakshas. The natha has come up with a solution to the problem: they offer protection to the villages. The villagers of the north have seen the work of the khaladar, and have agreed to pay for it. The protection fees are also increasing.
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