Grand Legend Ramayana

Grand Legend Ramayana • Chapter 53: King's Decisions (Part 1) • Page ik-page-3480825
Grand Legend Ramayana • Chapter 53: King's Decisions (Part 1) • Page ik-page-3480821
Chapter 53: King's Decisions (Part 1)
This is a locked chapterChapter 53: King's Decisions (Part 1)
About This Chapter
This chapter opens in the basement of Khubera Castle. A few moments ago, a beam of clank moves through the castle. It's a technique known as "beam-blam clank" and it's used by the twin dragon to gain an advantage. The twin dragon tells Roxane that they're safe and that they need to return to Ayodya. Roxane says that she saw the queen talking to someone and that she heard the queen injecting something into herself and then all the yakshas in the castle obeyed her. She thinks that she's going to act rashly now that she realizes that her secrets have been uncovered. She asks Roxane to put her wish into the King's, but Roxane tells him that he can ask her anything, but that
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Grand Legend Ramayana

Grand Legend Ramayana • Chapter 53: King's Decisions (Part 1) • Page ik-page-3480825
Grand Legend Ramayana • Chapter 53: King's Decisions (Part 1) • Page ik-page-3480821
Chapter 53: King's Decisions (Part 1)
This is a locked chapterChapter 53: King's Decisions (Part 1)
About This Chapter
This chapter opens in the basement of Khubera Castle. A few moments ago, a beam of clank moves through the castle. It's a technique known as "beam-blam clank" and it's used by the twin dragon to gain an advantage. The twin dragon tells Roxane that they're safe and that they need to return to Ayodya. Roxane says that she saw the queen talking to someone and that she heard the queen injecting something into herself and then all the yakshas in the castle obeyed her. She thinks that she's going to act rashly now that she realizes that her secrets have been uncovered. She asks Roxane to put her wish into the King's, but Roxane tells him that he can ask her anything, but that
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