Grand Legend Ramayana

Grand Legend Ramayana • Chapter 55: King's Decisions (Part 3) • Page ik-page-3480845
Grand Legend Ramayana • Chapter 55: King's Decisions (Part 3) • Page ik-page-3480842
Chapter 55: King's Decisions (Part 3)
This is a locked chapterChapter 55: King's Decisions (Part 3)
About This Chapter
The queen asks why the king is asking her to exile him. The answer is that he wants to know why she is asking him to leave. The queen tells the king that she wants him to know that he sacrificed his life for the sake of peace and harmony in the land. She also tells him that he was so naive to think that he would be able to maintain peace. The king tells the queen that he created the peace by creating an army of experimental creatures. He had planned to destroy them, but his assistant, Manthara, convinced him that the creatures could be using a human body as a source of energy. He then planned to attack all of the cities controlled by ayodyas enemies. He planned to kill all of them. But manthara told him that they could use the human body. He saw this as an opportunity to end the war between the cities in Kosalayudha. He set up an attack on all the cities that were under the control of ayodiyas enemies. The price of war was too high for the king to continue with this plan, so he put the king on exile. He knows that he is helping maintain the fake peace by putting the man on exile because he knows that the man is as naive as he is. The woman tells him to stay outside. The
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Grand Legend Ramayana

Grand Legend Ramayana • Chapter 55: King's Decisions (Part 3) • Page ik-page-3480845
Grand Legend Ramayana • Chapter 55: King's Decisions (Part 3) • Page ik-page-3480842
Chapter 55: King's Decisions (Part 3)
This is a locked chapterChapter 55: King's Decisions (Part 3)
About This Chapter
The queen asks why the king is asking her to exile him. The answer is that he wants to know why she is asking him to leave. The queen tells the king that she wants him to know that he sacrificed his life for the sake of peace and harmony in the land. She also tells him that he was so naive to think that he would be able to maintain peace. The king tells the queen that he created the peace by creating an army of experimental creatures. He had planned to destroy them, but his assistant, Manthara, convinced him that the creatures could be using a human body as a source of energy. He then planned to attack all of the cities controlled by ayodyas enemies. He planned to kill all of them. But manthara told him that they could use the human body. He saw this as an opportunity to end the war between the cities in Kosalayudha. He set up an attack on all the cities that were under the control of ayodiyas enemies. The price of war was too high for the king to continue with this plan, so he put the king on exile. He knows that he is helping maintain the fake peace by putting the man on exile because he knows that the man is as naive as he is. The woman tells him to stay outside. The
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