This is a locked chapterChapter 15: Irrepressible Feelings
About This Chapter
In this chapter, the young narrator is introduced to his new friend, Otohiko, who has just returned from his first day at the amusement park. The narrator is excited to meet him, as he is a "great guy like you" and he is "almost a prince" . The two begin to joke about the fact that they are going on their first date, and the narrator is worried that he will not be able to make it to the park because of his "lucky under wear" , but the young man reassures him that he is fine since he is wearing layers. He tells the narrator that he has made friends at the park, and that he even got to go to an amusement park with "a great guy" like him . He also tells her that his schoolmates threw ink on his face when he returned from the park the day before. He asks her how she feels about him, and she tells him that she is "definitely way out" of his social circle. She also tells him about her first day back at school, when she was "a day off," and she asks him how he feels about her. He replies that he does not want to say that he would not eat her food, but he does want to know what is going on with him. She tells him to join her over at night, when the park is running at night.