My Boss Has XL Size • Chapter 68 • Page ik-page-5176654
My Boss Has XL Size • Chapter 68 • Page ik-page-5134644
Chapter 68
This is a locked chapterChapter 68
About This Chapter
Okay, now we're back at the station, where Hiroshi is waiting for his train to take him to work. Hiroshi's not drinking, but he's having a good time. He's chatting with his sister, who's also waiting for her train, and he wants to know what's up with her. She's super chatty, and Hiroshi doesn't know what to do. He decides to go wash his hands, and then he can chat with Hiroshi. He tells her that he has a girl friend, and she can introduce him to her sister if she wants to. He asks her if she likes talking about the guys, but she's too shy to say anything more than that. She tells him that one of her jobs as an employee at the company is to rest her body during the day, and that's something she has to keep an eye on. She also tells him to be careful with his health, since it's such a private matter. He agrees with her, though, and says that he'll be late for work.
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My Boss Has XL Size • Chapter 68 • Page ik-page-5176654
My Boss Has XL Size • Chapter 68 • Page ik-page-5134644
Chapter 68
This is a locked chapterChapter 68
About This Chapter
Okay, now we're back at the station, where Hiroshi is waiting for his train to take him to work. Hiroshi's not drinking, but he's having a good time. He's chatting with his sister, who's also waiting for her train, and he wants to know what's up with her. She's super chatty, and Hiroshi doesn't know what to do. He decides to go wash his hands, and then he can chat with Hiroshi. He tells her that he has a girl friend, and she can introduce him to her sister if she wants to. He asks her if she likes talking about the guys, but she's too shy to say anything more than that. She tells him that one of her jobs as an employee at the company is to rest her body during the day, and that's something she has to keep an eye on. She also tells him to be careful with his health, since it's such a private matter. He agrees with her, though, and says that he'll be late for work.
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