My Boss Has XL Size • Chapter 64 • Page ik-page-5176650
My Boss Has XL Size • Chapter 64 • Page ik-page-5134604
Chapter 64
This is a locked chapterChapter 64
About This Chapter
The chapter opens with the narrator's first job: he's the new guy in charge of a bunch of male employees. He's super excited about his new job, because his boss, the section chief, is super-serious and super-attentive. The narrator is totally floored by his boss's attention to detail and his ability to stay focused on the task at hand. The section chief tells him that they had a company picnic earlier in the day, and all the male employees were talking about how awesome it was. The boss asks the narrator to make sure he doesn't look at his boss too much. The chapter ends with the boss saying that he'll let the narrator take over a bigger job in the future.
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My Boss Has XL Size • Chapter 64 • Page ik-page-5176650
My Boss Has XL Size • Chapter 64 • Page ik-page-5134604
Chapter 64
This is a locked chapterChapter 64
About This Chapter
The chapter opens with the narrator's first job: he's the new guy in charge of a bunch of male employees. He's super excited about his new job, because his boss, the section chief, is super-serious and super-attentive. The narrator is totally floored by his boss's attention to detail and his ability to stay focused on the task at hand. The section chief tells him that they had a company picnic earlier in the day, and all the male employees were talking about how awesome it was. The boss asks the narrator to make sure he doesn't look at his boss too much. The chapter ends with the boss saying that he'll let the narrator take over a bigger job in the future.
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