My Boss Has XL Size • Chapter 63 • Page ik-page-5176649
Chapter 63
This is a locked chapterChapter 63
About This Chapter
In this short scene, we are introduced to a young woman who has just come out of the woods. She tells us that she has come from the woods with an eel in her arms. We are also introduced to the young woman's husband, who is also in the woods, and we are told that he is a "gentleman" . We learn that the man is a member of the Brotherhood of Priests, a religious order that is associated with the Catholic Church. The young woman tells the man that she is a virgin and that she wants to be married to him. The man tells her that she should not worry about her virginity, because she is not a "boy" , and she
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My Boss Has XL Size • Chapter 63 • Page ik-page-5176649
Chapter 63
This is a locked chapterChapter 63
About This Chapter
In this short scene, we are introduced to a young woman who has just come out of the woods. She tells us that she has come from the woods with an eel in her arms. We are also introduced to the young woman's husband, who is also in the woods, and we are told that he is a "gentleman" . We learn that the man is a member of the Brotherhood of Priests, a religious order that is associated with the Catholic Church. The young woman tells the man that she is a virgin and that she wants to be married to him. The man tells her that she should not worry about her virginity, because she is not a "boy" , and she
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