After wandering for three days in the forest, he finally finds a village. The village elders welcome him and tell him that he is welcome to stay with them for a while. He asks if he can change his clothes before he goes to see the elders, but the elder replies that it would be inappropriate for him to do so. The elder then tells him that the stranger is not a bad guy, and that he will stay with him for a short while. After that, the elder says, the stranger must have reached a level of a "sacred swordsman" . He then goes back to his house to rest.
After wandering for three days in the forest, he finally finds a village. The village elders welcome him and tell him that he is welcome to stay with them for a while. He asks if he can change his clothes before he goes to see the elders, but the elder replies that it would be inappropriate for him to do so. The elder then tells him that the stranger is not a bad guy, and that he will stay with him for a short while. After that, the elder says, the stranger must have reached a level of a "sacred swordsman" . He then goes back to his house to rest.