A Fake Marriage With My Glittering Boss ~ Tell Me What Your Favorite Position Is • Chapter 149 • Page ik-page-4178560
Chapter 149
This is a locked chapterChapter 149
About This Chapter
In this short scene, we learn that the Governess is in love with her boss. She asks him what his favorite position is in life. He tells her that he is happy during the day and sad at night. The Governess tells him to grab his hand on his own and kiss him. She says that she is senshitive, so she kisses him with a squeeze. She then tells him that she has left him a "tyle hee rub" . He laughs and says that he left her a "hee rub." The Govern
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A Fake Marriage With My Glittering Boss ~ Tell Me What Your Favorite Position Is • Chapter 149 • Page ik-page-4178560
Chapter 149
This is a locked chapterChapter 149
About This Chapter
In this short scene, we learn that the Governess is in love with her boss. She asks him what his favorite position is in life. He tells her that he is happy during the day and sad at night. The Governess tells him to grab his hand on his own and kiss him. She says that she is senshitive, so she kisses him with a squeeze. She then tells him that she has left him a "tyle hee rub" . He laughs and says that he left her a "hee rub." The Govern
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