The next morning, the two of them wake up in the middle of the night to find that they have been followed by a pack of dogs. The dog is named "Rounce," and the narrator tells us that the dog's name is "Squirrel" . The narrator tells the dog that he's a good dog, but that he doesn't like the smell of his food. He's not a fan of the way the dog treats people, and he'd like to see the dog treat the people around him better. The two decide to go for a walk.
The next morning, the two of them wake up in the middle of the night to find that they have been followed by a pack of dogs. The dog is named "Rounce," and the narrator tells us that the dog's name is "Squirrel" . The narrator tells the dog that he's a good dog, but that he doesn't like the smell of his food. He's not a fan of the way the dog treats people, and he'd like to see the dog treat the people around him better. The two decide to go for a walk.