The next morning, the young man meets up with his father-in-law, a high-ranking official in the government. The young man tells him that he's going to the Paris show with the rest of the troupe, but that something's wrong with the company. He's worried that something bad is going to happen to the troupe. He asks if the young men have promised to come with him, and they say that they have. He tells them that he doesn't want them to give up on the show, and he promises to follow them wherever they go. He gives them permission to tie him up and take him with them on the next trip.
The next morning, the young man meets up with his father-in-law, a high-ranking official in the government. The young man tells him that he's going to the Paris show with the rest of the troupe, but that something's wrong with the company. He's worried that something bad is going to happen to the troupe. He asks if the young men have promised to come with him, and they say that they have. He tells them that he doesn't want them to give up on the show, and he promises to follow them wherever they go. He gives them permission to tie him up and take him with them on the next trip.