In this short scene, the young protagonist is introduced to his sister, Raina, who has just returned from the subway station in New York City. Raina's father, William Brandon, is sitting in the subway waiting for his daughter to wake up. He asks his daughter if she is all right, and she replies that she is. He tells her that he took a picture of her crying in the park, and he says that beauty is still beautiful when she cries. He then asks her what she did during the day, and when she says that she came back so late, he asks her if she was bored of playing with her dog, Arnold. She says that her dog is so obedient that she likes him. She then asks him to tell her another story, because her father will be home later that day. He says that the comments on the story are mixed, and that the positive reviews are growing. He wants to find a way to tell them the news about Katherine, so they can all go to bed early.
In this short scene, the young protagonist is introduced to his sister, Raina, who has just returned from the subway station in New York City. Raina's father, William Brandon, is sitting in the subway waiting for his daughter to wake up. He asks his daughter if she is all right, and she replies that she is. He tells her that he took a picture of her crying in the park, and he says that beauty is still beautiful when she cries. He then asks her what she did during the day, and when she says that she came back so late, he asks her if she was bored of playing with her dog, Arnold. She says that her dog is so obedient that she likes him. She then asks him to tell her another story, because her father will be home later that day. He says that the comments on the story are mixed, and that the positive reviews are growing. He wants to find a way to tell them the news about Katherine, so they can all go to bed early.