It's been a long time since we saw the light body, and now it's time for the dark one to meet up with the light one. The light body is moving, but the dark body is still standing still. The two of them are going to meet soon, and the light is going to be the one to break through the seal and get to the other side of the moon. The dark body will be able to do so, and then the light will break the seal, and they'll meet again soon. The
It's been a long time since we saw the light body, and now it's time for the dark one to meet up with the light one. The light body is moving, but the dark body is still standing still. The two of them are going to meet soon, and the light is going to be the one to break through the seal and get to the other side of the moon. The dark body will be able to do so, and then the light will break the seal, and they'll meet again soon. The