The next time the cat is scratched, it's because of the wasp sting. This time, the cat blames the cat for being mad at him. The cat's not mad at the cat, he's mad at his aunt. She's the future queen of China, and he doesn't want to give her any orders around the house. He's always treated her like a friend, but now he wants to be rid of her. He wants to know why he can't just stop coming to his house, since he always gets hurt when he does. He also wants to find out what the heck happened to Fang Yin, the woman who always appears in his house and cooks for him. Fang Yin is a "syllable fox" , he says, and she's been haunting him ever since he first saw her . He says he'll go to his aunt and tell her what's going on, and then he can tell his uncle about Fang Yin's presence. He thinks Fang Yin might be able to stay, but he'd have to fight her one day. He needs a new phone, and the secretary
The next time the cat is scratched, it's because of the wasp sting. This time, the cat blames the cat for being mad at him. The cat's not mad at the cat, he's mad at his aunt. She's the future queen of China, and he doesn't want to give her any orders around the house. He's always treated her like a friend, but now he wants to be rid of her. He wants to know why he can't just stop coming to his house, since he always gets hurt when he does. He also wants to find out what the heck happened to Fang Yin, the woman who always appears in his house and cooks for him. Fang Yin is a "syllable fox" , he says, and she's been haunting him ever since he first saw her . He says he'll go to his aunt and tell her what's going on, and then he can tell his uncle about Fang Yin's presence. He thinks Fang Yin might be able to stay, but he'd have to fight her one day. He needs a new phone, and the secretary