Cultivator Against Hero Society • Chapter 131 • Page ik-page-4396421
Cultivator Against Hero Society • Chapter 131 • Page ik-page-4396422
Cultivator Against Hero Society • Chapter 131 • Page ik-page-4396423
Chapter 131
This is a locked chapterChapter 131
About This Chapter
In this short scene, Ren tells us that he's changed into a fat man. He's come to the superman academy, where he can get a free elixir that will increase his life span by 30 years. He also tells Ren that he can apply for the academy right away. Ren is so excited that he wants to go home.
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Cultivator Against Hero Society • Chapter 131 • Page ik-page-4396421
Cultivator Against Hero Society • Chapter 131 • Page ik-page-4396422
Cultivator Against Hero Society • Chapter 131 • Page ik-page-4396423
Chapter 131
This is a locked chapterChapter 131
About This Chapter
In this short scene, Ren tells us that he's changed into a fat man. He's come to the superman academy, where he can get a free elixir that will increase his life span by 30 years. He also tells Ren that he can apply for the academy right away. Ren is so excited that he wants to go home.
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