Cultivator Against Hero Society • Chapter 73 • Page ik-page-3694840
Cultivator Against Hero Society • Chapter 73 • Page ik-page-3694841
Cultivator Against Hero Society • Chapter 73 • Page ik-page-3694842
Chapter 73
This is a locked chapterChapter 73
About This Chapter
As the sun begins to set, the monster exclaims that he has already killed the "bastard" in front of him. He asks the creature if he is his brother, and the creature replies that he could have defeated him too if the sun had not separated it from the earth. The monster then asks if the creature knows where "heaven" is. The creature answers that he does not know, but he does know that the "earth" is covered with "the breath of heaven" and that he should tell the creature where his brother is.
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Cultivator Against Hero Society • Chapter 73 • Page ik-page-3694840
Cultivator Against Hero Society • Chapter 73 • Page ik-page-3694841
Cultivator Against Hero Society • Chapter 73 • Page ik-page-3694842
Chapter 73
This is a locked chapterChapter 73
About This Chapter
As the sun begins to set, the monster exclaims that he has already killed the "bastard" in front of him. He asks the creature if he is his brother, and the creature replies that he could have defeated him too if the sun had not separated it from the earth. The monster then asks if the creature knows where "heaven" is. The creature answers that he does not know, but he does know that the "earth" is covered with "the breath of heaven" and that he should tell the creature where his brother is.
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