This scene opens with a flashback to the beginning of the story, where the young man, who is now known as Caio, is still in love with the young woman, who has come to live with his family. Caio's sister, xia, has arrived, and Caio is overjoyed to see her. He tells Caio that he would like to marry her, but that a woman like xia would never be able to be his wife. He also tells Caiot that he has a dream in which he married Caio and that Caio has returned his memories of his marriage to Caio. Caiot tells him that he must stay away from Caio because her mother wants to marry him, but Caio tells him to stay away because Caio will not be willing to marry a woman who is not her own daughter. The young man is horrified at the idea of Caio competing with him for his affections, and he vows to get Caio out of his way.
This scene opens with a flashback to the beginning of the story, where the young man, who is now known as Caio, is still in love with the young woman, who has come to live with his family. Caio's sister, xia, has arrived, and Caio is overjoyed to see her. He tells Caio that he would like to marry her, but that a woman like xia would never be able to be his wife. He also tells Caiot that he has a dream in which he married Caio and that Caio has returned his memories of his marriage to Caio. Caiot tells him that he must stay away from Caio because her mother wants to marry him, but Caio tells him to stay away because Caio will not be willing to marry a woman who is not her own daughter. The young man is horrified at the idea of Caio competing with him for his affections, and he vows to get Caio out of his way.