Kungfu Beauty

Kungfu Beauty • Chapter 96 • Page ik-page-3721704
Kungfu Beauty • Chapter 96 • Page ik-page-3721705
Kungfu Beauty • Chapter 96 • Page ik-page-3721706
Chapter 96
This is a locked chapterChapter 96
About This Chapter
Lin jin is worried about his stepmother's alliance with bandits. He tells his father to be more careful and prepare. He also tells his grandfather that the list of candidates for the provincial imperial exam has been released. Worried that his son will not be able to pass the exam, his father tells him that his elder brother has also passed the exam and that his younger brother is also planning to take part next year in the provincial exam. He says that his husband is the only person in the family who will win the exam.
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Kungfu Beauty

Kungfu Beauty • Chapter 96 • Page ik-page-3721704
Kungfu Beauty • Chapter 96 • Page ik-page-3721705
Kungfu Beauty • Chapter 96 • Page ik-page-3721706
Chapter 96
This is a locked chapterChapter 96
About This Chapter
Lin jin is worried about his stepmother's alliance with bandits. He tells his father to be more careful and prepare. He also tells his grandfather that the list of candidates for the provincial imperial exam has been released. Worried that his son will not be able to pass the exam, his father tells him that his elder brother has also passed the exam and that his younger brother is also planning to take part next year in the provincial exam. He says that his husband is the only person in the family who will win the exam.
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