How a Rebellious Girl Fell into Love • Chapter 63 • Page ik-page-3040356
How a Rebellious Girl Fell into Love • Chapter 63 • Page ik-page-3040346
How a Rebellious Girl Fell into Love • Chapter 63 • Page ik-page-3040330
How a Rebellious Girl Fell into Love • Chapter 63 • Page ik-page-3040325
Chapter 63
This is a locked chapterChapter 63
About This Chapter
Valentine's Day is coming up, and everyone is trying to make up for the fact that they missed the day by going out on a date. The narrator explains that this is a special day, so she's going to tell the story of her love life. She's a single girl now, but she used to be in a relationship with a boy she liked in high school. She and the boy became a couple, and they spent a lot of time together. One day, the two of them decided to go out for a walk, and when they got there, the boy was cheating on her with another girl. The girl cheated on her because she said she liked twin, and the girl cheated because she wanted to be with the boy she loved. So, the narrator tells us, the cheater cheated on the girl she loved, and that's when she realized that she was in love with the wrong guy. She called out some of her friends, and she and the cheater ran into each other in the street. The cheater collapsed after a few hits, but the narrator says that the cheater was weak, so he couldn't go back up again. So the narrator ends the story by telling us that the author of the story has arranged for the story to end with the younger sister getting engaged.
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How a Rebellious Girl Fell into Love • Chapter 63 • Page ik-page-3040356
How a Rebellious Girl Fell into Love • Chapter 63 • Page ik-page-3040346
How a Rebellious Girl Fell into Love • Chapter 63 • Page ik-page-3040330
How a Rebellious Girl Fell into Love • Chapter 63 • Page ik-page-3040325
Chapter 63
This is a locked chapterChapter 63
About This Chapter
Valentine's Day is coming up, and everyone is trying to make up for the fact that they missed the day by going out on a date. The narrator explains that this is a special day, so she's going to tell the story of her love life. She's a single girl now, but she used to be in a relationship with a boy she liked in high school. She and the boy became a couple, and they spent a lot of time together. One day, the two of them decided to go out for a walk, and when they got there, the boy was cheating on her with another girl. The girl cheated on her because she said she liked twin, and the girl cheated because she wanted to be with the boy she loved. So, the narrator tells us, the cheater cheated on the girl she loved, and that's when she realized that she was in love with the wrong guy. She called out some of her friends, and she and the cheater ran into each other in the street. The cheater collapsed after a few hits, but the narrator says that the cheater was weak, so he couldn't go back up again. So the narrator ends the story by telling us that the author of the story has arranged for the story to end with the younger sister getting engaged.
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