The next morning, the two of them stare at each other. The first is nervous because he hasn't spoken to the other since he met him, and the second because he's worried about what the other guy will think of him. He's also worried about how the other guys will react to this news. The two guys talk about how smart they all are, and how they've figured out a way to stop it. The second one is worried because he doesn't want to get into a fight with the other one. He wants to know why they're fighting, and he wonders if it's because the girl is sleeping. He wonders if the girl knows how to fight, and if she's capable of doing so. He also wonders if she has the ability to do so, because she looks exactly like the guy.
The next morning, the two of them stare at each other. The first is nervous because he hasn't spoken to the other since he met him, and the second because he's worried about what the other guy will think of him. He's also worried about how the other guys will react to this news. The two guys talk about how smart they all are, and how they've figured out a way to stop it. The second one is worried because he doesn't want to get into a fight with the other one. He wants to know why they're fighting, and he wonders if it's because the girl is sleeping. He wonders if the girl knows how to fight, and if she's capable of doing so. He also wonders if she has the ability to do so, because she looks exactly like the guy.