The next morning, the Governess arrives at the house to find her brother waiting for her. The Governess tells her brother that he must have been exhausted the night before, and that she should have taken more rest in the kitchen. She tells him that she has asked the cook to prepare the best food for her, and he slaps her. He tells her that he can give up everything in the world if she does not leave him. He says that he will seek justice for the people wronged in the "qiyuan rebellion case," and that he has a plan. He can easily eliminate the faction of cao-jinzhong and tell him to go to "lust city" when he is available.
The next morning, the Governess arrives at the house to find her brother waiting for her. The Governess tells her brother that he must have been exhausted the night before, and that she should have taken more rest in the kitchen. She tells him that she has asked the cook to prepare the best food for her, and he slaps her. He tells her that he can give up everything in the world if she does not leave him. He says that he will seek justice for the people wronged in the "qiyuan rebellion case," and that he has a plan. He can easily eliminate the faction of cao-jinzhong and tell him to go to "lust city" when he is available.