Stitch and the Samurai

Stitch and the Samurai • Vol.2 Chapter 13: Love Cupid ♡ • Page ik-page-1459604
Vol.2 Chapter 13: Love Cupid ♡
This is a locked chapterVol.2 Chapter 13: Love Cupid ♡
About This Chapter
It's the middle of the night, and the ghost of ema is still playing with the plates that the merchant gave her. The ghost refuses to move, and now she is stitch's "playmate" . She's also got a cold, so she can't talk to the ghost anymore. She wants to talk to yuki, but yuki won't listen to her. She tells him that he's going to get sick, but he'll be okay. He tells her that the snakes are dormant now, but they'll come back anytime. They'll attack the fort soon, he tells her, and he promises to do his best to keep yuki on his toes. He's got a lot of work to do, he says. He says that he loves yuki so much that he often dreams about how happy they'd be if they were married. But alas, that's not to be. He promises to continue to watch yuki from afar, and says that yuki seems to have a cold. It seems like yuki needs a day off.
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Stitch and the Samurai

Stitch and the Samurai • Vol.2 Chapter 13: Love Cupid ♡ • Page ik-page-1459604
Vol.2 Chapter 13: Love Cupid ♡
This is a locked chapterVol.2 Chapter 13: Love Cupid ♡
About This Chapter
It's the middle of the night, and the ghost of ema is still playing with the plates that the merchant gave her. The ghost refuses to move, and now she is stitch's "playmate" . She's also got a cold, so she can't talk to the ghost anymore. She wants to talk to yuki, but yuki won't listen to her. She tells him that he's going to get sick, but he'll be okay. He tells her that the snakes are dormant now, but they'll come back anytime. They'll attack the fort soon, he tells her, and he promises to do his best to keep yuki on his toes. He's got a lot of work to do, he says. He says that he loves yuki so much that he often dreams about how happy they'd be if they were married. But alas, that's not to be. He promises to continue to watch yuki from afar, and says that yuki seems to have a cold. It seems like yuki needs a day off.
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