Stitch and the Samurai

Stitch and the Samurai • Vol.1 Chapter 2: A Feast for Stitch ♪ • Page ik-page-1459304
Vol.1 Chapter 2: A Feast for Stitch ♪
This is a locked chapterVol.1 Chapter 2: A Feast for Stitch ♪
About This Chapter
In the midst of battle, Hirohito's men encounter a blue raccoon, which they call a "raccoon" because of its resemblance to a raccoon. After a fruitless battle, they encounter the raccoon again, but this time the plan to "torch his rival" is put on hold. The men wonder why the plan has been abandoned, but Hiroshito says that he has locked himself in with the raccoon since they met it. He tells his men that they are hopeless, and that he will ensure that the campaign continues without any hitches. He says he has tried every trick in the book to get the raccoon to come with him, but he still refuses to let him pet him. He then says that the raccoon is asleep, and he is amazed at how close he is to the battle field.
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Stitch and the Samurai

Stitch and the Samurai • Vol.1 Chapter 2: A Feast for Stitch ♪ • Page ik-page-1459304
Vol.1 Chapter 2: A Feast for Stitch ♪
This is a locked chapterVol.1 Chapter 2: A Feast for Stitch ♪
About This Chapter
In the midst of battle, Hirohito's men encounter a blue raccoon, which they call a "raccoon" because of its resemblance to a raccoon. After a fruitless battle, they encounter the raccoon again, but this time the plan to "torch his rival" is put on hold. The men wonder why the plan has been abandoned, but Hiroshito says that he has locked himself in with the raccoon since they met it. He tells his men that they are hopeless, and that he will ensure that the campaign continues without any hitches. He says he has tried every trick in the book to get the raccoon to come with him, but he still refuses to let him pet him. He then says that the raccoon is asleep, and he is amazed at how close he is to the battle field.
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