Stitch and the Samurai

Stitch and the Samurai • Vol.2 Chapter 8: Another Encounter with the Unknown • Page ik-page-1459444
Vol.2 Chapter 8: Another Encounter with the Unknown
This is a locked chapterVol.2 Chapter 8: Another Encounter with the Unknown
About This Chapter
The chapter opens with a description of Meisonyamato, a lord of the land. He has two things on his mind: the war he is waging, and his strange blue raccoon, named stitch. For a time, he wonders if this four-armed creature is a demon, but he eventually comes to accept that it is simply a stitch. Yet more strange demons appear before him. He is at a waterfall when he hears the rustle of a rustle, and he realizes that he is looking at a human. He decides to disguise himself as a mosquito. He tells his men to assemble at once, and they will strike at the villainous Hiroshimasa. He also tells them to get rid of the blue raccoon. He wants to pet it so badly that he wants to strangle it against his face.
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Stitch and the Samurai

Stitch and the Samurai • Vol.2 Chapter 8: Another Encounter with the Unknown • Page ik-page-1459444
Vol.2 Chapter 8: Another Encounter with the Unknown
This is a locked chapterVol.2 Chapter 8: Another Encounter with the Unknown
About This Chapter
The chapter opens with a description of Meisonyamato, a lord of the land. He has two things on his mind: the war he is waging, and his strange blue raccoon, named stitch. For a time, he wonders if this four-armed creature is a demon, but he eventually comes to accept that it is simply a stitch. Yet more strange demons appear before him. He is at a waterfall when he hears the rustle of a rustle, and he realizes that he is looking at a human. He decides to disguise himself as a mosquito. He tells his men to assemble at once, and they will strike at the villainous Hiroshimasa. He also tells them to get rid of the blue raccoon. He wants to pet it so badly that he wants to strangle it against his face.
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