The Governess is in the middle of a conversation with the Governess's servant when she hears a knock at the door. The servant tells her that it is a police officer who has come looking for her. She asks him if he would like to speak to her alone. He says that he would, but that he has a fever and cannot go. She tells him that she has come to see her father. She says that she wants to see him, but he will not let her see him. He asks her if she would like him to kill her, but she says no, she wants her father to come and see her
The Governess is in the middle of a conversation with the Governess's servant when she hears a knock at the door. The servant tells her that it is a police officer who has come looking for her. She asks him if he would like to speak to her alone. He says that he would, but that he has a fever and cannot go. She tells him that she has come to see her father. She says that she wants to see him, but he will not let her see him. He asks her if she would like him to kill her, but she says no, she wants her father to come and see her